What's Wrong With Milk?

breast cancer dairy Apr 23, 2017


There is a lot of controversy surrounding dairy, but most of the "facts" being thrown around are not grounded in truth. Learn about the pros and cons of milk, how the hormones in milk might affect you, and whether or not it is related to breast cancer.


Hi everyone!  It’s Dr. Lisa Schwartz and today I want to talk about the controversies around dairy –how it relates to breast cancer and other issues.

There’s something about cow’s milk that ignites a passion on the order of religious zealotry as to whether it is a protein and calcium filled goodness that has been consumed as a healthy beverage for centuries or the one animal product that for sure will give you cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and cause you to grow extra limbs where they shouldn’t be. 

 Usually, neither side of that debate is well equipped with facts in these discussions.  So, let’s start with some facts…


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Tips for Managing Hot Flashes


One of the most distressing things about going through breast cancer treatment can be the onset of menopause and the hot flashes that go with it. In this video I'll give you some helpful tips on dealing with hot flashes and avoiding triggers.


Welcome to this week’s Inside Edge to living well beyond breast cancer.  I am Dr. Lisa Schwartz and I will be talking about hot flashes today:  what are they and how can breast cancer patients manage them.

 So, let’s start at the beginning.  What exactly are hot flashes?

 If you have had a hot flash then I don’t have to tell you what they feel like.  But for some of you, they are something you still have to look forward to, so let me explain what they feel like.  Most women describe a sudden feeling of warmth in their face, neck and chest associated with intense sweating and sometimes chills.  Your heart rate can increase and you can feel tingling in your fingers or...

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The Taxol Treasure: Successes and Side Effects in Cancer Treatment


Taxol has been one of the most successful chemotherapies ever developed. It is used in many cancers and very commonly in breast cancer treatment. While it is incredibly effective, it also has its side effects. Watch this short video to learn more. This is not intended as medical advice. Please talk to your doctor before beginning any new health practice.


Hello everyone.  I’m Dr. Lisa Schwartz and this is Cancer Straight Talk where you get cancer information from a cancer doctor.  Today we are going to talk about a very common and effective chemotherapy called Taxol. 

The original investigation which led to the development of Taxol dates back to the 1960’s.  At that point in our history of medicine antibiotic use had become common leading to a sharp decline in the number of deaths from infections.  Which meant people were living longer and now dying of things like heart disease and cancer. So a push was on to find...

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