Does Diet Matter After Breast Cancer?

Most breast cancer survivors want to know what they should be eating after treatment.  Unfortunately, when they ask their oncologists about what diet they should follow after treatment the answers generally range from “eat what you want” to “just eat more fruits and veggies.” 


I know because this is what you have told me over the many years that I have seen patients as an integrative oncologist.  And I have heard it directly from my oncology colleagues.  Some just don’t think nutrition is all that important and others are as confused by the research as you are.


Well, as you might have guessed, there is more to the nutrition recommendation than just eat more fruits and veggies.  In fact, there is a LOT more you need to know.  Part of the confusion comes from docs not really knowing the results of the trials that have been done and the quality of those trials.  While there has been some research on...

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