How to Pick a Healthy Yogurt (and Why You Should)

dairy yogurt Jul 31, 2018

Yogurt has become a staple in a lot of homes in the past several years.  Moms view it as a healthy snack for kids.  So much so that the food industry came up with a variety of kid and lunch box friendly packaging ideas.  And then there are the folks who eat yogurt to lose weight usually leaning toward the low-fat, fruit flavored varieties.  And then there are the health-conscious Whole Foods shoppers who lean toward the Greek yogurt varieties. 


Even if you don’t fit one of these categories, there are some things you should know about yogurt if you are trying to be healthy (and who out there doesn’t want to be a little healthier). 


Real yogurt is made when fresh milk is fermented by adding bacteria to it.  Don’t get grossed out.  Those bacteria are really good for us.  The bacteria eat up the sugar in milk (lactose) and convert it to lactic acid which gives yogurt that tangy flavor and thickens the...

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What's Wrong With Milk?

breast cancer dairy Apr 23, 2017


There is a lot of controversy surrounding dairy, but most of the "facts" being thrown around are not grounded in truth. Learn about the pros and cons of milk, how the hormones in milk might affect you, and whether or not it is related to breast cancer.


Hi everyone!  It’s Dr. Lisa Schwartz and today I want to talk about the controversies around dairy –how it relates to breast cancer and other issues.

There’s something about cow’s milk that ignites a passion on the order of religious zealotry as to whether it is a protein and calcium filled goodness that has been consumed as a healthy beverage for centuries or the one animal product that for sure will give you cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and cause you to grow extra limbs where they shouldn’t be. 

 Usually, neither side of that debate is well equipped with facts in these discussions.  So, let’s start with some facts…


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