Sugar Hiding in Plain Sight

added sugar sugar Dec 07, 2017

Hi I’m Dr. Lisa Schwartz.  Today I want to let you in on a little secret.  There may be sugar hiding in your food and you don’t even know it.  Whether you are trying to watch your waistline or just being mindful of consuming more natural and whole foods, you need to know if you are being sabotaged by hidden sugars.


Consuming added sugar in a food can lead to extra calories and an increase in insulin secretion which in some cases increases your risk for breast cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.  So this is important. 


It would be really helpful if food ingredient labels had to say “sugar” when they added sugar, but the truth is that sugar has many, many different names.  And you may not recognize it in spite of your diligent label reading.


In my last post, I talked about processed foods, what they are, and why we should be avoiding them.  One of the big reasons to avoid processed foods is that they...

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Diet Soda or Deadly Soda?

diet soda sugar May 07, 2017


Some folks who want to lose a little weight switch from sugared drinks and sodas to diet sodas. Healthy change, right? Wrong. In this video I discuss some disturbing research on diet sodas and a myriad of health problems including cancer. And...did you know they may be addictive??!!


Hi there!  I’m Dr. Lisa Schwartz and today I wanted to discuss a product that many people turn to when they try to lose weight.  That product is diet soda.  They assume that because it has no calories but can still satisfy their need for a sweet taste, that ultimately they may lose weight by drinking diet sodas.  Unfortunately, just the opposite is true.  And there are other significant health risks that go along with diet soda consumption as well.


First let’s define what we are talking about.  When I say diet soda I am actually including any beverage that is sweetened with a low or no calorie sweetener.  Most commonly this is seen...

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